Article ID : 00118101 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

Wind noise is heard when playing back recorded video.

    IMPORTANT: If model-specific information is required to complete any of the steps in this solution, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the product.

    Wind noise is recorded when air is moving rapidly by the microphone of the camcorder. To help reduce wind noise, try any of the solutions below.

    • If the camcorder has a jack for an external microphone, use an external microphone.
    • Block the built-in microphone from the wind to help reduce the amount of recorded wind noise.
    • If supplied with the camcorder or the external microphone, attach the wind shield (foam or fur-type) to reduce the wind noise. 

    Image   Image

    • If such a wind shield is not supplied you can purchase these wind shields from different 3rd-party manufactures, fitting the microphone or of universal type, which can even be applied to a build in microphone.


    • If the camcorder has a Wind Noise Reduction feature, enable it by following these steps:

    1. From the screen of the camcorder, select MENU by tapping the LCD screen or using the multi-selector.
    2. Select Camera/Mic.
    3. Select the microphone icon.
    4. Select Wind Noise Reduct.
    5. Select On.


    • Low frequency sound may not be recorded when the Wind Noise Reduction or Auto Wind NR feature is activated.
    • When Wind Noise Reduct is set to On, Blt-in Zoom Mic is set to Off.